Please click here for detailed information from our Student Handbook.
Excused Absences
An excused absence occurs when a student is not present at school or at a school-endorsed activity, but is temporarily excused from attendance (must be with a written parental note provided when the student returns to school). Here is a template for you.
Unexcused Absences/Truancy
An unexcused absence occurs when a student is not present at school or at a school-endorsed activity, without acceptable cause.
Make Up Work
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and student to arrange with his or her teacher to make up all academic work missed. Reasonable - within 5 school days - make-up opportunities shall be offered. Failure to do so can result in adverse academic consequences.
Family vacations (parents/guardians need to inform the school of a child’s absences due to vacation prior to their absence.) Teachers will provide missed work to student upon return.
Excused Absences
An excused absence occurs when a student is not present at school or at a school-endorsed activity, but is temporarily excused from attendance (must be with a written parental note provided when the student returns to school). Here is a template for you.
Unexcused Absences/Truancy
An unexcused absence occurs when a student is not present at school or at a school-endorsed activity, without acceptable cause.
Make Up Work
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and student to arrange with his or her teacher to make up all academic work missed. Reasonable - within 5 school days - make-up opportunities shall be offered. Failure to do so can result in adverse academic consequences.
Family vacations (parents/guardians need to inform the school of a child’s absences due to vacation prior to their absence.) Teachers will provide missed work to student upon return.