Our students' safety is of utmost priority. Here are a few tips to help ensure the safe arrival and departure of all our children.
- If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please pull into one of the five lanes of waiting cars after 8:25 a.m.
- At 8:25 a.m., cars will be allowed to pull forward. A staff member will come to your car to get your child.
- Our students may be dropped off between 8:25 - 8:45 a.m.
- Students will wait on the hard top until 8:30 a.m. At 8:30 a.m., students will be permitted to enter the building.
- Any student arriving after 8:45 a.m., is considered tardy and must be walked to the front of N.S.E.S. to be signed in by an adult.
- Please send your child to school with a "Pick-Up" note, including the date, your child's name and teacher, and the name of the individual dismissing your child. Click here for a helpful template!
- Phone calls for same day pick-ups will only be accepted until 12:00 p.m.
- Afternoon dismissal begins at 3:05 p.m.
- Family pick-up will be similar to the morning drop-off. Please pull into a designated lane.
- Place your car tag on the right passenger side window. If your child will not be riding the bus, you must request a car tag by calling the main office, 401.765.2260. Please note: If you need a replacement tag or to register for a new student number, please call this number.
- When permitted, please pull up to the nearest car. We will call your child’s number and bring him/her to you.
- Please wait until the car in front of you moves as passing cars is not permitted.
- All families MUST complete and return this form, regardless if your child is a drop-off or pick-up. Completed forms can be emailed to Mrs. Silvia, [email protected] or faxed to 401.765.8665.
- Students will be dismissed to their appropriate bus at the end of the day.
- Students may not ride home on a different bus.
- Remember to never pass buses displaying STOP signs and/or flashing lights.
- Please allow buses to exit before proceeding into their path.
- DATTCO is located at 706 St. Paul Street, North Smithfield and can be reached at 597-6430.